PWI Storyteller
- What is PWI Storyteller and how do I download it?
- How do I create a topic on Storyteller?
- How do I edit a topic on Storyteller?
- How do I see responses on my topics in Storyteller?
- How do I edit/replace questions on Storyteller?
- Do stories go live as soon as my supporters submit them?
- How long should my videos be?
- What do I do if my supporter’s video is blurry?
- What if I can’t hear my supporter’s testimonial video?
- Can I create my own video for my organization?
- How do I promote PWI Storyteller?
- Can I approve all testimonial videos at one time?
- Can I submit a video through my desktop?
- Can I access my organization’s videos through my desktop?
- How do I download a copy of a submitted video on Storyteller?
- What will be the file type of a downloaded Storyteller video?